Saturday, June 7, 2008

Happy Birthday to me!

One more before bed. Lucy is adorable no matter how she's packaged. Sometimes I dream about opening a package on my birthday and Lucy pops out.

Daddy finally gets into the act...

Daddy and Lulu, munching on some Zweiback. That's German for "Teething Toast". You can tell that Lucy already has a heart of gold for sharing her toast with Daddy.

Can't think of a better time during any given day than the time Lucy nods off on my shoulder.

Louise is Daddy's sweet and precious angel.

Daddy's idea of heaven...

His two leading ladies in matching peach ensembles, having worship together just before bedtime. It doesn't get any better than this!

Lucy looks wiped out...

Potty training not going so well. There goes another $3.89 for 6 rolls of TP...

The cuteness factor never ends. Lucy learned this sequence from Nana when she was here for her last visit. See, Nana? Sometimes the grandkids really DO listen!

Louise and the very large hat...

This afternoon, Louise decided she wanted to wear a Texas-sized hat and go for a spin. Hope you all enjoy this one. We both howled!