Tuesday, February 19, 2008


LINK #1<http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=215+E+Huitt+Lane+Euless+Texas&sll=32.835462,-97.080624&sspn=0.007608,0.019956&layer=tc&ie=UTF8&ll=32.83548,-97.080624&spn=0.007608,0.019956&t=k&z=16&cbll=32.83165,-97.07932&cbp=1,533.7781350482318,,0,-5.562700964630228>
LINK #2: <http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=215+E+Huitt+Lane+Euless+Texas&sll=32.835462,-97.080624&sspn=0.007608,0.019956&layer=tc&ie=UTF8&ll=32.83566,-97.080624&spn=0.007608,0.019956&t=k&z=16&cbll=32.831832,-97.079329&cbp=1,300.67524115755606,,0,5>


Christye Gillan Byrne said...

Way cool! And the playhouse is still there!!

Suzanne said...

I SOOO pointed that out to Dwain. How fun was that? He and I took a "walk" down the road. hehe

How'd you like the street sign? We need a copy of that as a poster for the reunion...along with all other cousins street sign poster.
...wouldn't that be cool? We have time to produce it.!!! :)

I think every family should do a Poster board of growing up let's have a memory wall! What do ya'll think? ...actually, I am making the call...we are going to do it!

Carrie said...

WOW, that is pretty cool, I wonder how current those pictures are?! We sure did have a huge lot!

Brenda said...

Suzanne, that was awesome! I took the virtual tour all the way down Cullum to our house. Some of the houses looked just like they did when I rode my bicycle along there.

Brenda said...
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